Saturday, November 25, 2006

Dennis and Britt's wedding

On November 24, 2006; Dennis and Britt married. We are soo proud of them!
See their picture, and even though they got married in Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland, WA..Mom Carol was able to attend at her hospital while recovering from Meningintis. She is doing better but very proud of our children.
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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Back in the NW

and working on Dennis and Brit's wedding. We met two nights ago with Carol and figured a lot of things out, the rehearsal dinner, Thanksgiving Day, and the wedding.
Wow. Now we have the rehearsal dinner, which we hadn't planned for, since Brit's sister(who is pregnant~high risk)and she just graciously bowed out, three weeks before the wedding.

So I meet with Oscar from the restaurant on Monday, I checked out the hotel that the out of town family is going to stay at, and lets see what else? Oh I got the dress, its very nice, and it was on sale! Lucky me. Just need a topper of some sort...hmm, more shopping which isn't my idea of fun and games.

Pain levels? Well, pretty high today, felt like hot oil was coursing in my veins of my legs instead of blood. Back still hurts. We are sleeping on an Aero-bed with a memory foam topper...seems to work pretty well.
Dennis left for AZ to check on things, and hopefully will be back about a week before the wedding.

The apartment is working out well.

I need to contact TCI regards billing, send out my mediation..but I had been waiting for one piece of information and they didn't receive it from Aetna either.

Mass tomorrow with Dennis and Brit, downtown Seattle..might look after church for a topper for the dress.

more later