Sunday, December 17, 2006

u2 the saints are coming

Dennis says that Carol is going home soon as the infections clear. She cannot swallow, even with physical therapy. She can only eat ice chips. Its sad, because I believe that she will probably not live long. Its very sad.

My head hurts more since the brain swelling has gone down. The fusion anchors..whatever they are called, well when they get cold my head gets tender and hurt like the dickens.

I am going to Seattle tomorrow. Matt has been without power for a few days. The worst storm since the Inaugural Day storm, I think 12 years ago. That was bad, we were without power for four days. I finally gave up and drove till I found lights!
Matt is staying at Shelby's parent's house on the plateau.

Dennis and Brit are doing pretty well. They were shopping yesterday and called.

Sent out package to Jean and MA to Napa.

Dennis is up in Alaska right now.

u2 the saints are coming

u2 the saints are coming: "1. The Saints Are Coming - U2