Sunday, August 27, 2006


Today(this morning and early afternoon) huge meltdown. The impact of my situation, my illness, my own depression hit me so hard. I am going to be responsible for my situation, acknowledge it, own it, realize it, not fear, and somehow, someway be comfortable with the "new" me. It scares me, but the realization is that this is the new me, and not something that is horrible, just the morphed into me.

I had a long talk with a great person today, Sarah, who encouraged me by her quiet way to apply for Social Security. There is no reason why I shouldn't. This EDS IS a nasty bugger. Ellen Quinn's words. And it is. My ankles, knees, and elbows hurt tonight.
My ROM is horrid, and PT is not good. Its a slow go. I e-mailed Dr B tonight, respectfully asking that he complete the ASAP form for doctors for patients that need to go for SSDI/SSI.
Please hold a good thought for me that things will go well. I hired Allsup for representation.

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